At what age do people feel most unhappy and why?
ForumDaily New York
Scientists have found out when, why and at what age people feel most unhappy, reports TSN.
Economics professor David Blanchflower from Dartmouth College (USA) conducted a study to determine at what age a person feels the most happy.
After analyzing data from 132 countries, the professor came to the conclusion that in developed countries people feel most unhappy at the age of 47 years and two months, in developing countries - 48 years and two months.
Why do people feel unhappy
According to the researcher, the level of human happiness throughout life depends primarily on age, and it either rises or falls. The lowest point is precisely at 47-48 years.
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The scientist believes that sad feelings accumulate gradually, with age, through the awareness of approaching old age, when a person takes stock of life.
During this period of his life, a person ceases to experience pleasure from what he felt before; many things disappoint him. Reasons may include dissatisfaction with the financial situation and lack of career prospects. Blanchflower said that the “age of unhappiness” can be associated with the breakdown of social ties and divorce. People who stay married are much happier than those who go through a divorce. In addition, by the age of 40, testosterone levels in men and estrogen in women decrease. In psychology, this period is most often called a midlife crisis. It is at this age that people feel less satisfied with their lives.
But don’t despair, because over time and with age, the “happiness curve” rises again. According to the scientist’s calculations, the age at which a person feels happiest occurs first at 20 and then at 70 years old. And this gives hope. Over the years, material wealth and career growth fade into the background; family and loved ones, time for favorite hobbies and relaxation remain priorities. That is, a person becomes wiser and happier.