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In the center of New York, a man was attacked by a rooster: a bird has been terrorizing the area for years


Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin

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On the morning of September 30, on his way to work, a man was bloodyly attacked in Queens. But it was not a dog, not a cat, or even a rat. The man was bitten by a cock, reports NBC New York.

Photo: Shutterstock

“On the way to the bus to go to work, I felt myself bitten in my left hand,” said Leon Suzeran. - The rooster continued to attack. He is so aggressive, angry ... blood gushed out, I tried to press down the cock with force, and he continued to attack me. "

Suzeran's feathered enemy is no ordinary rooster. He has his own reputation in the area.

“It's a big cock. It doesn't look like roosters that are eaten. You wouldn't want to eat it. The fact is that now he is attacking people, ”said a resident of the area.

According to local residents, a rooster and a flock of chickens have been roaming 169th Street in Jamaica for years, terrorizing people.

“I heard that children cannot ride scooters because of them, it is impossible to walk freely. Now we need to beware of even a rooster, ”one of the residents said with a laugh.

But everyone who lives in the area says this is not a joke at all.

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“In June, birds attacked my neighbor and a rooster bit her ankle,” Suzeran said. Another local resident said that this unusual flock wanders around and chases children. Parents and their children avoid this place.

Police helped catch a rooster and a chicken after the September 30 attack.

The owner of the house, where, according to neighbors, a rooster and chickens are kept, opened the door in response to a knock from journalists. He confirmed that the birds belong to him. But then someone called out to him from the depths of the apartment and forbade him to answer any further questions.

Neighbors say that now they are more alert, watching the rooster.

“The flock roams the streets, and residents must be on the lookout,” Suzeran emphasized. After the attack, the man received a tetanus shot and takes antibiotics.

Although chickens legally allowed keep in the city, but there are no roosters. Suzeran has already filed a complaint with the city's health department.

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