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333 sunflowers appeared in the center of New York in honor of the Unity Day of Ukraine: one for each day of the war with Russia


Lyudmila Balabay

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Last weekend (January 20-22) in the center of New York, an installation dedicated to the Day of Unity of Ukraine was installed - hundreds of sunflowers, which have already become a symbol of Ukraine, peace, happiness and hope.

333 sunflowers at Flatiron Plaza directly across from Madison Square Park symbolize the number of days of war between Russia and Ukraine at the time of installation.

People were invited to take pictures of sunflowers and post them on social networks to draw attention to the war and call for help for Ukrainians in this difficult time. Those who could not visit the installation can also join the action by uploading any photo of a sunflower with a hashtag #UnifyUkraine.

This is not the first time the city has shown support for Ukraine. Last March, for example, the New York Public Library published a list of books that will help you better understand the history of Ukraine, and the Empire State Building has already been lit up with the colors of the Ukrainian flag several times.

More ways to help Ukrainians can be found at this link.

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