A New York politician from Odessa is nominated for the US Congress: he decided to promote his candidacy with the help of adult videos
Nadezhda Verbitskaya
U.S. congressional candidate Mike Itkis, who wants to attract attention, posted a sex video of himself on the Internet to “emphasize his sex-positive electoral platform.” This is reported City and State.
According to his biography the official website, 53-year-old army cyber operations officer Mike Itkis is from Ukrainian Odessa (at the time of his birth, Ukraine was part of the USSR). He moved to New York in 1979.

Itkis is running for Congress from the 12th district in Manhattan. The politician posted a 13-minute video on a popular online porn site. The video shows him having sex with pornographic actress Nicole Sage. Itkis did this, he said, in order to give people "a talking point."
“If I just spoke about it, it would not demonstrate my commitment to this issue,” he said.
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His election campaign is built on the ideas of legalizing sex business and expanding sexual rights.
В biographies of Itkis it is stated that he is “Unmarried. No children. Not celibate. Atheist." He also appears to be opposed to child support payments. He writes that "men should not be required to support biological children for whom they have not given prior consent."