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Parking has risen in price at major airports in New York: we will pay up to $80 per day


Olga Derkach

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Starting June 16, travelers will spend more on parking at major airports. Writes about it News12.

Airport Authority officials say demand for parking has increased significantly. They encourage travelers to book parking in advance to avoid paying a higher price.

Travelers who have not pre-booked will be charged an additional fee during the summer peak period and may not be able to find parking at the airport. Parking at Terminal B used to cost $60 (for 24 hours), but the new summer price is now $80. For those who pre-book a seat - only $39.

On the subject: What are the lounges at Kennedy Airport and how to access them

Travelers planning to park for more than three hours are strongly advised to make reservations at least 24 hours in advance at three major airports: LaGuardia, John F. Kennedy International Airport and Newark Liberty International Airport.

Port Authority officials say the rates will be reviewed at the end of the summer.

Port Authority officials advise travelers to use public transport, taxis or drop-off services.

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