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Fashion for all times: the Metropolitan Museum of Art opened an exhibition dedicated to Karl Lagerfeld


Olga Derkach

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The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Spring Exhibition in 2023 will focus on the work of Karl Lagerfeld (1933-2019). Focusing on the designer's stylistic word, expressed in aesthetic themes that reappear in his costumes from the 1950s to the latest collection in 2019, the exhibition will showcase the German-born designer's unique work methodology. Writes about it MET Museum.

Most of the approximately 150 exhibits will be accompanied by sketches by Lagerfeld that highlight the intricate creative process. The master's flowing lines combined his designs for Balmain, Patou, Chloé, Fendi, Chanel and the eponymous label Karl Lagerfeld to create a varied and fruitful work unparalleled in fashion history.

To access the exhibition booklet, go to link.

On the subject: The Metropolitan Museum of Art will host a unique exhibition of paintings by Van Gogh

To get to the exhibition, you must stand in a virtual queue using a QR code when you get to the museum. No advance or temporary tickets are required. Access is on a first-come, first-served basis and subject to bandwidth constraints.

The following items are not allowed in the exhibition:

  • bags larger than 11 x 17 x 5 inches (28 x 43 x 13 cm)
  • backpacks
  • baby carriages
  • fluid.

Special access in the evening hours every Sunday until 21:00. There are also morning hours for Met members: from 09:00 to 10:00 every Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, starting May 6.

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