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New York has a secret vintage car museum: where to find it


Lyudmila Balabay

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One of the most unique museums in New York State is tucked away in the small town of Norwich. it Northeast Classic Car Museum. Everything from the first car models ever built to aircraft engines from World War II can be found there. This museum is a must-see for anyone keen on the evolution of transportation. The edition told more about him Only in Your State.

Photo: Shutterstock

The Northeast Classic Car Museum has over 170 classic car models and 28 motorcycles.

The museum will reopen on January 16, 2021 after a temporary closure. This is the perfect destination for any car enthusiast, so make it a part of your entertainment schedule for the near future.

The varied collection of cars in this museum is enough for hours of study. Guests are particularly fond of the magnificent Made in New York exhibit, as well as the post-war cars from 1940-1980.

But the museum is not limited to cars only. There you can also find aircraft engines from the First and Second World Wars, among them the unique 18-cylinder engine of the R-3350 Turbo B-29 Super Fortress bomber.

It all started with the collection of the founder of the museum, George Staley. He collected Franklins, luxury cars that were produced in New York from 1902-1934. Fairy Franklins showcases some of the most beautiful cars you will ever see.

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The museum even has a pre-war collection of cars powered by electric, steam and internal combustion engines. The collection also includes Knox, Scripps Booth, Hupmobile, Duesenberg and Packard models, as well as a 1930 Henderson motorcycle.

And for fans of “workhorses”, the museum displays 30 tractors.

Address: 24 Rexford St, Norwich, NY 13815, USA

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