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The house where Kevin dealt with the bandits in 'Home Alone 2' is being sold in New York


Alina Prikhodko

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Vivid details from the 1992 classic Home Alone 2: Lost in New York come to mind ahead of the holidays: the cast and the New York apartment where protagonist Kevin McCallister fought gangsters Harry and Marv. Time-out reports that you can become the owner of this Upper West Side apartment.

There is probably not a single person who would not watch a film about a boy whose family accidentally left him at home alone. But even more incredible were Kevin’s adventures in New York, where he also ended up completely by accident. It turns out that the house that belonged to Kevin's uncle, at 51 West 95th Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue, was put up for sale for $6,7 million.

According to the listing, the 440-square-foot home has four bedrooms and five bathrooms. The late XNUMXth-century home features a full kitchen, a private garden with a cobblestone patio and wood decking, a climate-controlled wine cellar and more.

The townhouse was listed for sale over three months ago, which doesn't surprise us given its high price tag, but you should know that records show the original asking price was $7,65 million.

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