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Important phone numbers and addresses in New York: how to call in the city, within the USA and abroad


Lyudmila Balabay

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How to call New York from another country or make a statewide call, how to call an ambulance, fire department, police, and what to do if you do not have the money to contact loved ones. You will find the answer to all these questions in this publication, prepared on the basis of the text

Photo: Shutterstock

The most important numbers:

  • Ambulance, fire department, police: 911.
  • Emergency medical care: (212) 652-5858.
  • Emergency dental care: (212) 677-2510.
  • MasterCard, loss or theft of a card: 1-800-307-7309 (free call).
  • Thomas Cook Traveller's Checks, lost or stolen (in the first 24 hours): 1-800-223-7373 (call is free).

How to call from New York

In the city

Calls to a phone number with a code other than 212 and 646 (Manhattan) are considered to be long distance. To make a call through a payphone, you will need 25 cents. A local call lasting up to 3 minutes will cost 50 cents.

If you need to call outside the city, dial 1, then the area code.

International calls

International calls will be significantly cheaper if you use a telephone card (you can buy it in stores). First dial 011, then the country code (Russia - 7), the local area code without the first zero, and then the subscriber's number.

How to call New York

To call New York from Russia by international telephone, use the following dialing procedure:

8 - dial tone - 10 - 1 - 212 - subscriber number in New York (Manhattan)

  • 10 - international connection code;
  • 1 - US international dialing code;
  • 212 - The area code of New York (Manhattan area).

The following phone codes are available in and around New York:

  • 212 - Manhattan;
  • 718 - Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island;
  • 517 - Long Island;
  • 201 - New Jersey

For example, the to call Brooklyn, use the following dialing order:

8 - dial tone - 10 - 1 - 718 - seven-digit subscriber number in New York:

  • 10 - international connection code;
  • 1 - US international dialing code;
  • 718 - The area code of Brooklyn (New York)

US Phone Rules

Numbering Principles

All US phone numbers, including street phone numbers, are seven digits.

At the same time, many companies, taking the opportunity to choose a combination of characters when installing the phone, choose their number for advertising purposes and for better memorization so that it can be represented in the form of a word (in the letters indicated above the numbers on the telephone). This word is usually associated with the name or profile of the company.

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Large companies operating in the service sector, for their regular and prospective customers, have toll free numbers, which can be called from anywhere in the country (the company takes care of the payment). These numbers have a three-digit index of 800. When dialing the numbers of these companies, dial 800 before the 1 index.

Phone numbers for which paid information or any additional service is provided have an index of 900 before the seven-digit number.

Codes of automatic communication

The territory of the United States is divided into zones, each of which has its own three-digit area code. The boundaries of the zone are determined by the density of telephone subscribers on its territory. There are two such zones in New York City; in the state of New York - 8; in the sparsely populated states of Nevada, Montana, Utah and others, the boundaries of the zone coincide with the boundaries of the state. Thus, each telephone number contains an area code and the actual subscriber number.

Types of communication and dialing order:

Direct link

If you need to call a subscriber who is within the zone (local calls), then you should dial a 7-digit number without dialing a code.

If your subscriber is in another zone in the country (long distance calls), dial the combination: 1 + area code + subscriber number.

International telephone calls (international calls) are carried out by direct dialing: 011 + country code + city code + subscriber number.

Communication using an operator

This type of communication is used in cases:

  • Collect calls - call at the expense of the called subscriber. It costs two to three times more than a regular one. Used when absolutely necessary. You can call collect calls in one of two ways. The first one - dial 0, after the operator's response, say the phrase: I`d like to make a collect call. The number is… (area code and called party number). My name is… The operator makes a connection and asks the subscriber about the readiness to pay for the call and, having received consent, will connect with him. The second way is to dial 0 followed by the area code and subscriber number. After the operator responds, say: I`d like to make a collect call.
  • Third-number calls: you would like to forward the payment for the call to the third phone number.
  • Person-to-person calls: Used when you need to call a specific person. To do this, dial as indicated above, and after the operator's response say the phrase: I`d like to make a person-to-person call to Mr ..., the number is ...
  • Contact by phone credit card.

This is advisable if you are in the country for a long time. Dialing order: 0 + area code + subscriber number + card number. The cost of a credit card call will be included in the monthly phone bill.


You can conduct any type of conversation from any pay phone in the United States. The booth has instructions explaining how to make certain calls.

Each payphone has its own number, which is indicated on its case; this number can call you in a pay phone. Communication is carried out both by direct dialing and through the operator. Coins are accepted of any denomination (5, 10 or 25 cents).

Important addresses:


The police department is located in the complex of buildings of the city administration.

If you need to contact the police, just dial 911. You can also use one of the street direct dial telephones with emergency services.

District police stations are scattered throughout the city. To find the location of the nearest, dial (212) 374-8000.

Corporate email-login

You can purchase stamps in shops, supermarkets and hotels. Post offices are scattered throughout the city; most importantly - located on the West Side at the intersection of Eighth Avenue and 33rd Street (tel: (212) 967-8585).

If you need to send a letter "on demand" (American term - c / o General Delivery), then send it to the address of the General Post Office: 321 Eighth Avenue, NY WOOL.

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