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Lucky for Life: Cash4Life New York Pays Winners $ 1000 Daily


Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin

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Winning a big lottery jackpot is a pleasure. How about a thousand dollar daily payout? We think it's even cooler. Therefore, we decided to draw your attention to the Cash4Life lottery in New York.

How to play

First you need to purchase a ticket for $ 2. You can find an authorized dealer near you at this site.

Pick five numbers from 1 to 60 and one number from 1 to 4 (this will be your Cash Ball). You can do it yourself or use the Quick Pick service - the computer will pick the numbers for you. Using a black or blue pen or pencil, complete one game pad for each game you want to play.

Follow the Cash4Life draw

Cash4Life holds draws daily at 21:00. To catch a live stream, watch these TV channels... Then everything is simple: the more winning numbers you guess, the larger your prize.


Match 5 numbers (including Cash Ball)

  • Chance to win: 1 in 21
  • Prize: $ 1000 per day for life
Photo: Shutterstock

You guessed 5 digits (no Cash Ball)

  • Chance to win: 1 in 7
  • Prize: $ 1000 per week for life

Match 4 numbers (including Cash Ball)

  • Chance to win: 1 in 79
  • Prize: $ 2500

You guessed 4 digits (no Cash Ball)

  • Chance to win: 1 in 26
  • Prize: $ 500

Match 3 numbers (including Cash Ball)

  • Chance to win: 1 in 1471
  • Prize: $ 100

You guessed 3 digits (no Cash Ball)

  • Chance to win: 1 in 490
  • Prize: $ 25

For the correct Cash Ball and two numbers, you can get from 2 to 10 dollars.

You can find out how to get these prizes if you win. here.

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