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Virtual tours of New York for travel in any weather


Vita Popova

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Bad weather is not a reason to give up walking and traveling. Thanks to the power of modern technology, New Yorkers (and residents of other cities) can enjoy the luxury of exploring everything from museums and state parks to waterfalls and hiking trails without leaving home. The publication shared a selection of 11 virtual tours of New York Only In Your State.

Photo: Shutterstock

Save this collection for yourself so as not to be sad because of bad weather.

  1. Solomon Guggenheim Museum (New York)

It is one of the most famous museums in the world, and thanks to Google Street View, you can take a tour of it without leaving your home. It's free and saves you the trouble of wading through the crowd of other nosy visitors to the Solomon Guggenheim Museum.

To take a virtual tour of the Guggenheim Museum, нажмите здесь.

  1. Prospect Mountain (George Lake)

Incredibly, today even the top of the mountain can be conquered without leaving the walls of your home! To do this, you just need to go on a virtual tour, while saving gasoline and your own strength.

To embark on an unforgettable journey нажмите здесь.

  1. Watkins Glen Park (Watkins Glen)

This park is considered the most beautiful in the state of New York. You can explore it online thanks to the virtual tour. The journey will give you a visual representation of what the most famous gorge trail in the Finger Lakes area looks like.

To take a virtual tour of Watkins Glen, нажмите здесь.

  1. Cascadilla Gorge (Ithaca)

Another gem of New York State is the Cascadill Gorge. To visit it, you need to use Google Street View. You will pass waterfalls and climb up stone steps for an unforgettable view.

To take a virtual tour of the Cascadilla Gorge, нажмите здесь.

  1. Robert H. Treman Park (Ithaca)

Robert H. Treman Park is a favorite vacation spot for many residents of the state. While it's not yet warm enough to enjoy the swimming areas of the park, you can virtually walk through it.

To go on a tour of Treman Park, нажмите здесь.

  1. Togannok Falls Park (Trumansburg)

Taughannock Falls Park is located on an area of ​​more than 300 hectares with waterfalls and incredible landscapes. This is a truly mesmerizing place!

On the subject: 12 best beaches in and around New York

Embark on a virtual tour to view everything in detail.

To take a trip through Togannok Falls Park, нажмите здесь.

  1. Bear Mountain Park (Rockland and Orange Counties)

The area of ​​Bear Mountain Park is over 2100 hectares. It is located on the west bank of the Hudson River in Rockland and Orange Counties, New York. Today, you don't even need to leave your house to explore the top of the mountain around which the park is spread out and admire the views from it.

To take this Bare Mountain virtual tour, нажмите здесь.

  1. Central Park (New York)

Sure, you can see Central Park in tons of famous movies and TV shows, but have you ever taken a 3D tour of this park? Just follow the link below to take this adventure off your virtual tour list.

To take a walk in Central Park нажмите здесь.

  1. Niagara Falls (Niagara Falls Park)

The oldest park in America is waiting for you! All it takes to explore this historic site is to press a button. Enjoy the views of the main American Falls right from your cozy home!

To take a tour of Niagara Falls, нажмите здесь.

  1. Split Rock Falls (Elizabethtown)

This waterfall is the real treasure of the Adirondack. In reality, getting here is not easy. But with the help of the Internet it is very easy to do it.

To take a virtual tour of Split Rock Falls, нажмите здесь.

  1. Letchworth Park (Castile)

This picturesque park has three large waterfalls on the Genesee River and 50 small ones on the tributaries that flow into it. Various hiking trails are laid along them. There is also a canyon that you can also explore online. The territory of the park is huge, so the opportunity to walk through it will be virtually appreciated by those who do not like to walk a lot or do not have such an opportunity.

To take this virtual tour of Letchworth Park, нажмите здесь.

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