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Brooklyn subway shooter's reward to be shared by 5 people


Olga Derkach

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The NYPD says 5 people will share the reward for arresting a suspect in the Brooklyn subway shooting. Writes about it ABC7NY.

Several members of the public will share the $50 reward offered for information leading to the arrest of Brooklyn subway shooting suspect Frank James.

After the attack on subway passengers, the police asked for help in finding James.

Police detectives tracked down a lot of incoming information and built a chronology of events leading up to James's arrest.

Members of the agency's detective bureau identified five individuals whose information directly contributed to the suspect's arrest approximately 30 hours after the attack.

“We serve the public, but they are often our best partners,” said Police Commissioner Kichant Sewell. “We are grateful to everyone who responded to our call for information in order to find the suspect, in particular those whose advice did not work. We called on the public to join us in our efforts to find this suspect, and New Yorkers stepped up."

Each of the five people did something that helped catch the criminal, and they all deserve a reward.

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The plan is for the total reward of $50 to be divided equally among the named individuals.

“Thanks to the help of these five people, the NYPD was able to do their job and get a dangerous suspect off the streets just hours after his photo was released to the public,” said New York City Mayor Eric Adams. “The courage of these five people is what truly makes New York the greatest city in the world.”

It is currently unclear if Zak Tahhan, who came to prominence after an interview discussing how he informed officers of the suspect's whereabouts, is one of the five.

Federal officials charged James, 62, with the attack. He is being held without bail.

April 15 in New York honored MTA workers who helped the victims after the shooting.

During the incident, ten people were killed and another 19 were injured.

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