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Countries where you can 'buy' citizenship or residence permit: terms, conditions and prices


ForumDaily New York

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Obtaining alternative citizenship has never been more relevant than it is now. Donald Trump won the US presidential election, and if you are not happy about this and you are one of those who intend to flee the country, we offer you a list of countries where citizenship is exchanged for investment.

People are seeking greater mobility and freedom. This is not just about travel, but also about access to better healthcare, education, and opportunities for business and retirement.

Moreover, in an environment of growing geopolitical uncertainty, having an alternative citizenship acts as an insurance policy, a Plan B, in case things go awry in your home country.

Travel Leisure tells about the most relevant citizenship and residence permit programs for investment around the world.

Getting the second one citizenship can be a complicated process. Each country has different rules, and some essentially allow you to “buy” a second citizenship investing in real estate or other programs. Mehdi Malla is a director of private clients at Henley & Partners, a global leader in residency and citizenship by investment. She gives her expert opinion on how these programs work and what Americans need to know about the process.

“Citizenship by Investment (CBI) is a program where people can obtain a second citizenship or passport by making a significant financial investment in another country,” she explained. “It is an attractive option for people with significant amounts of money, as well as the country itself. Such people can contribute to economic growth.”

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The sector in which the applicant will invest depends on the program. It may include commercial enterprises, government bonds or real estate.

Benefits of Getting a Second Passport

The benefits of getting a second passport are endless.

“This option is popular among high net worth individuals (HNWIs) and ultra-high net worth individuals (UHNWIs) who want to increase global mobility, improve access to healthcare and education, and enhance security for themselves and their families,” Malla said.

It also allows people to diversify their assets. Getting a second passport is useful for tax purposes. Depending on which country you come from, a second passport can lift travel restrictions, provide refuge amid political instability, or give children access to better educational opportunities.

How much is it

There are several countries that offer residency and citizenship by investment, but the minimum investment varies widely.

“Some of the most popular countries are St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, Malta and Portugal,” Mehdi noted. “Investment amounts vary, typically from $100 to over $000 million.”

Countries with Citizenship by Investment Programs

  • Antigua and Barbuda: $230;
  • Austria: "significant contribution";
  • Cambodia: $245;
  • Dominica: $200;
  • Egypt: $250;
  • Grenada: $235;
  • Jordan: $750;
  • Malta: €600;
  • North Macedonia: €200;
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis: $250;
  • Saint Lucia: $240;
  • Türkiye: $400;
  • Vanuatu: $130.

This range of options gives you access to all corners of the world and can give you a foothold in the Caribbean, Europe or Asia.

Other countries, such as Portugal, offer residency by investment. In the case of Portugal, you can invest a minimum of €250 to obtain a five-year residency permit. After that, you are eligible to apply for citizenship.

If you are seeking a second citizenship, this path may take much longer. However, the visa allows you to achieve many of the same goals - the ability to live in your destination, access to high-quality healthcare, etc. Note that not all residency by investment programs offer a path to citizenship.

Countries with Residence by Investment Programs

  • Costa Rica: $150;
  • Cyprus: €300;
  • Greece: €250;
  • Hong Kong: ~$3;
  • Hungary: €250;
  • Italy: €250$
  • Latvia: €60;
  • Luxembourg: €500;
  • Malaysia: $212;
  • Malta: €175;
  • Mauritius: $375.
  • Montenegro: acquisition of real estate and registration of a legal entity;
  • New Zealand: ~$3;
  • Panama: $100,000;
  • Portugal: €250,000;
  • Singapore: ~$7;
  • Spain: €500;
  • Switzerland: ~$289;
  • Thailand: $15–$000;
  • United Arab Emirates: $550.
  • UK: Innovative, scalable business.

Obviously, residence by investment includes many more opportunities, but still requires a significant investment.

The process of obtaining a second passport

While each country has its own specific requirements, you will generally follow the same basic process. This usually involves choosing the country and program you want to apply for, making the necessary investments, and submitting your application.

“This includes providing documents such as proof of wealth, criminal record and health certificates,” Malla said. “Once the application is submitted, the government conducts a comprehensive check before granting citizenship and issuing a passport.”

Before you begin the process, you should contact an agency that has experience in this matter. They will help you. The time it will take from contacting the agency to receiving your passport will depend on the country and the program you are applying for.

“Some Caribbean countries, such as St Kitts and Nevis, can complete the process in as little as three to six months,” Malla said. “European countries, such as Malta or Portugal, can take longer (12 to 24 months) due to more thorough due diligence and higher investment levels.”

Risks and problems

As expected, obtaining citizenship in another country will not be easy, so contacting a firm that specializes in helping US citizens through this process will make the process much easier.

“Some programs require careful vetting. Applicants may be rejected if there are any legal or financial issues,” Mehdi emphasized. “Geopolitical changes may also impact the future strength of the passport in terms of travel flexibility.”

Fortunately, you don't have to give up your U.S. citizenship to participate in most of these programs. Since the United States allows dual citizenship, you can hold two passports at the same time.

One of the biggest challenges is finding the right amount of money, which is almost impossible for the average person. You will need to understand your responsibilities as a citizen of a new country. There may be “problematic legal, tax or even military requirements,” as Henley & Partners explains.

Overall, citizenship or residency by investment is a viable option if you can afford it. Some programs will allow you to obtain a new passport as early as 2025. Whatever option you choose, make sure you fully understand the prospects in the other country before you begin the process.

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