Elections in New York-2022: what you need to know and how to vote
Olga Derkach
The November 8 New York general election will decide who will enter the US Senate, US House of Representatives, Senate and State Assembly, and State Supreme Court, as well as governor, attorney general, and other positions. Two primaries in the state were held on June 28 and August 23. How to vote in these elections and what you need to know Aarp.
Absentee voting: You have the right to vote absentee if you are sick or disabled, concerned about the spread of COVID-19, or absent from your county or borough. The full list of requirements for absentee voting is set out at election commission website.
Early personal voting: cast your vote early at polling stations from October 29 to November 6.
In-person voting on Election Day: The general election will take place on Tuesday 8 November. Polling stations will be open from 06:00 to 21:00.
What's new this year
The New York State Redistricting Plan has changed state legislative district boundaries, which may change the list of candidates on your ballot.
Voters fearful of contracting or spreading COVID-19 can safely vote from home by requesting an absentee ballot during 2022.
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Who will be chosen
US Senate: Joe Pignon (Republican); incumbent Senator Chuck Schumer (Democrat).
US House of Representatives: 26 places. New York has lost its seat in Congress. This is due to a decline in the population at the 2020 census.
Governor: incumbent Governor Kathy Hokul (Democrat), Rep. Lee Zeldin (Republican).
State Senate: all 63 places.
State Assembly: all 150 seats.
How to register to vote
Online: use New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) website. To register online, you will need a New York State DMV driver's license, a permit or ID, and the last four digits of your social security number. Your zip code must be registered with the DMV.
By mail: upload voter registration form from the state election website, print it out, fill it out, and mail it to district electoral commission... you also can request submission of registration form by mail through the State Board of Elections (BOE) website or by calling 800-367-8683.
Personally: register in electoral commission of your constituency or any voter registration center under New York State agencies, which includes the City and Public Universities of New York, the Office of Seniors, and the Department of Human Services.
Check your registration status at election commission website. Can also be used downloadable voter registration formto change your name, address, or party affiliation. The last day to register online, by mail or in person is October 14th.
How to get an absentee ballot
Online: request an absentee ballot at election commission website April 1 (for general elections).
By mail or phone: download the application from state election website, complete it online or by hand, print and mail to your county election commission office. Or call your local county election commission office and ask for the application to be mailed to you.
Personally: visit district electoral commission and complete the application. You can have another person deliver your application to the district election commission and receive your ballot.
The last day to fill out and submit an application for absentee voting is October 24.
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Your completed ballot must be stamped before Election Day, November 8th. The last day you can cast your ballot in person at your local election commission or polling station is November 8th.
Can I track my absentee ballot
Yes. New York voters can track their ballots with online tracker City Electoral Commission.
Can I vote in person before Election Day?
Yes. Early in-person voting begins 10 days before the election. Connect with your county election commissionto find out about early election locations.
When is election day
The general election will take place on Tuesday 8 November. Polling stations are open from 06:00 to 21:00. Find your polling place online on the Electoral Commission website. If you live in New York, you can find your polling place using your city online locator.
Do I need ID to vote in elections?
Only if you are voting for the first time and did not provide identification when registering to vote. In this case, you will need to show a New York State driver's license or state-issued ID, such as a US passport that has your name and address on it.
Useful links
Follow the news about the 2022 elections on the website AARP.org/election.
Follow local events regarding elections on https://states.aarp.org/newyork/.
Text NYVOTES to 22777 to receive a one-time text message with a link to New York State Voter Information.