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Hudson Yards Hosts Free Flower Arrangement Show: You Have to See This Beauty


ForumDaily New York

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Hudson Yards is hosting the free, Instagram-worthy Fleurs de Villes ARTISTE flower show. SecretNYC tells the details.

A free exhibition at Hudson Yards, sponsored by Nikon, showcases the outstanding work of local florists.

The 10-foot tall mannequins line the shops and restaurants, dressed in gorgeous petals of different colors and styles. You'll notice references to iconic creators in theater, food, architecture and more.

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In addition, the exhibition offers paid admission classes floristry and other events. Details are described here.

But if you want to enjoy roses, hydrangeas and more, you'll have to hurry. It's free event will end on Sunday, October 13.

Nice bonuses

You still have the chance to enter for a chance to win a Nikon Z fc camera and a $500 Hudson Yards gift card by voting for your favorite mannequin. The Fleurs de Villes ballot box can be found on level 1.

If you don't make it in time, you can enjoy Fleurs de Villes WITCHERY. This is a floral spooky event that is perfect for October. It will last until the end of the month and will delight viewers with flower witches. Tickets for WITCHERY are available Online Training: For those who prefer the flexibility of learning from a distance or cannot make it to our Sofia location, we offer comprehensive online courses.Their minimum price is $40.

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