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Dark, Psychedelic, and Surreal: Manhattan Exhibition You Can't Miss


ForumDaily New York

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Dark Matter, a new immersive art exhibit at Mercer Labs in Lower Manhattan, will leave visitors spellbound as it explores the depths and darkness of the human psyche, as well as its paranormal manifestations, reports Time-out.

The exhibition will be held on selected evenings from October 4 to 30.

It is the brainchild of experimental artist Roy Nahum, co-founder and creative director of Mercer Lab. Through immersive visuals, interactive displays, audio installations, oil paintings and Dark Matter robots explores the depths of the human psyche and their paranormal manifestations.

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Шоу will be available in October from 20:00 PM to midnight. Tickets are available for purchase here priced at $52 per adult.

When creating the exhibition, Nahum drew inspiration from his own nightmares.

“The exhibition explores surreal and hypnotic themes of the dark side of the human psyche, as well as the disturbing realm of nightmares, inner demons and paranormal phenomena,” he explained.

“Since the dawn of human existence, darkness has been a constant presence,” he continued. “Nightmares are fears made manifest, as the subconscious struggles with panic, uncertainty, and the unknown. They are a universal phenomenon that we share as humans. The nightmare and the supernatural drive powerful audiovisual narratives. They invite visitors to confront their fears, explore the darkness, and understand how it has shaped art, culture, and the human experience.”

What exactly can be seen?

The PG-13 multi-sensory experience consists of 15 diverse installations. Throughout Dark Matter, the audiovisual dialogue highlights the powerful contrasts between light and dark. This is created through the use of innovative technology, 8K projections, endless installations, painting and robotics.

A series of immersive works and installations invite, as Nahum puts it, “a contemplative journey into the invisible to confront our deepest fears and fantasies.” You’ll need 60-90 minutes to visit the museum.

Dark Matter dives into the concept of darkness through many facets. Darkness lives within each of us, in the subconscious. It is the intangible phenomenon of dark matter or invisible forces. This concept, both disturbing and exciting, fits into the mission of Mercer Labs, the newest immersive space in New York City.

Complex topics in a new space

Mercer Labs opened in early 2024 at 21 Dey Street in a bank building that was formerly part of the now-neighboring Century 21.

Nachum created Mercer Labs with his business partner, real estate developer Michael Kyre. The space pushes boundaries and focuses on the interactive and thought-provoking.

“The exhibition’s exploration of fear and the unknown aligns with the museum’s mission to create immersive, reflective, and transformative experiences. We encourage deeper connections between art, technology, and human emotion,” Nahum said. “We present these complex themes in a way that stimulates both intellectual curiosity and emotional responses. Dark Matter fulfills the museum’s goal of expanding visitors’ understanding of art by challenging their perceptions of reality through cutting-edge technology and creative expression.”

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