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Journey into the World of 'Sleepy Hollow': Rockefeller Center to Host Multisensory Horror Exhibit


ForumDaily New York

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New multi-sensory family exhibit with creepy and scary atmosphere to open at Rockefeller Center, reports Time-out.

The Sleepy Hollow: Autumn's Harvest exhibition will welcome its first guests on Saturday, October 12. It is a unique multi-sensory experience in a psychedelic space under one of the city's most iconic buildings.

Tickets range from $34 to $44 per person. You can book your visit hereThe exhibition will be open until November 12.

Interesting presentation of a classic story

The exhibition is based on the story of Ichabod Crane and The Horseman without a head. Set in a Dutch town in the 1790s, a superstitious schoolteacher named Ichabod Crane encounters the Headless Horseman. The Horseman chases Crane and throws his pumpkin head at him, causing him to disappear. It's a classic story that has been interpreted in countless ways over the centuries.

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The tour begins at Sleepy Hollow Harvest, where you'll sample freshly pressed apple cider and meet characters from the Headless Horseman tale. You'll then make your way through a cornfield before arriving at Ichabod's Enchanted Grove.

Journey will pass through several more locations until it arrives at the Jack O'Lantern Atelier. Here you will be able to carve your own pumpkin to take home.

The interactive event is designed for people of all ages. Even if you don’t have kids, you’ll still have a great time. There will be plenty of special events throughout the fair. Every Saturday from 11am to 00pm, there will be a harvest party with costume contests and face painting. On Wednesdays at 15pm, you can watch Halloween classics like Ghostbusters, and on Fridays from 00pm to 19pm, you can sip potions and drinks with secret ingredients at The Witch’s Hearth.

The exhibition will be open from 12:00 to 20:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; from 11:00 to 19:00 on Saturdays and Sundays. The exhibition is closed on Tuesdays.

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