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The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Fall 2024 Exhibitions: What Art Lovers Should See


ForumDaily New York

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This fall in New York City, you can explore the Italian Renaissance, ancient Egypt, and 1700s Paris without leaving the Upper East Side. The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) will delve into these topics and more in a powerful series of exhibitions, reports Time-out.

“At the Met alone, the fall exhibition program includes not just a few major exhibitions, but more than a dozen, showcasing art, ideas, and themes from around the world and across time,” the director said. The Metropolitan- Max Hollein Museum. The press release announced the exhibition schedule until December 2024.

The Met Exhibition Schedule for Fall 2024

The Genesis Facade Commission: Lee Bul, Long Tail Halo

  • When: with 12 September

Four new ones Sculptures, combining figurative and abstract elements, have found their place in the façade niches of Met Fifth Avenue. They are visible from the street, so you can enjoy them even without a ticket.

Mexican Prints at the Vanguard

  • When: with 12 September

This exhibition explores the significance of prints for artistic identity in Mexico and examines the resonant power of graphic art in addressing social and political issues.

On the subject: Free admission to galleries and studios in Red Hook in October: terms of the promotion

Mandalas: Mapping the Buddhist Art of Tibet

  • When: with 19 September

Experience Himalayan Buddhist religious art through over 100 paintings, sculptures, textiles, musical instruments and a variety of ritual objects.

Materialized Space: The Architecture of Paul Rudolph

  • When: with 30 September

This will be the first major exhibition devoted to the career of the influential 20th-century architect. A proponent of concrete and brutalism, he designed the impressive Halston Town House and the landmark Art and Architecture Building. The Met calls him “one of the most important yet underappreciated architects of the 20th century.”

Paris through the Eyes of Saint-Aubin

  • When: with 26 September

Explore 18th-century Paris through the eyes of Gabriel de Saint-Aubin. His many sketches capture the full spectrum of everyday life in the French capital.

Siena: The Rise of Painting, 1300–1350

  • When: from October 13

The first major exhibition in the United States devoted to early Sienese painting, this exhibition will examine a period of phenomenal artistic innovation and activity at the dawn of the Italian Renaissance, including seminal paintings by Duccio, Pietro, Ambrogio Lorenzetti, and Simone Martini.

Floridas: Anastasia Samoylova and Walker Evans

  • When: from October 14

Featuring the work of photographers Anastasia Samoylova and Walker Evans, this exhibition explores how two artists of different generations attempted to understand the complexity and contradictions of Florida.

Jesse Krimes: Corrections

  • When: from October 28

The exhibition combines works created by the artist in federal prison with 19th-century photographs by French criminologist Alphonse Bertillon, who developed the first modern criminal identification system.

The American Wing at 100

  • When: from 8 November

The museum will restore its iconic galleries as a reflection of the history of American art collecting.

Flight into Egypt: Black Artists and Ancient Egypt, 1876–Now

  • When: from 17 November

Explore the many ways in which black artists and other cultural figures have engaged with ancient Egypt as a source of inspiration and identity.

The Great Hall Commission: Tong Yang-Tze, Dialogue

  • When: from 21 November

View two monumental works of Chinese calligraphy created by one of the most renowned artists working exclusively with Chinese calligraphy today.

Colorful Korea: The Lea R. Sneider Collection

  • When: from December 2

Stroll through a collection of paintings, ceramics, furniture, textiles, and funerary and ritual objects that highlight the pervasive auspicious symbolism and unpretentious dynamism in Korean art.

Current exhibitions

  • Collecting Inspiration: Edward C. Moore at Tiffany & Co. (until October 20)
  • The Roof Garden Commission: Petrit Halilaj, Abetare (until October 27)
  • Mary Sully: Native Modern (until January 12, 2025)
  • Ink and Ivory: Indian Drawings and Photographs Selected with James Ivory (until May 4, 2025)
  • The Three Perfections: Japanese Poetry, Calligraphy, and Painting from the Mary and Cheney Cowles Collection (until August 3, 2025)
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