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Unusual Farm in New York: The Best Apple Orchard in the US and Cannabis Products


ForumDaily New York

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Beak & Skiff Farms Apple Orchard Named USA Today's 10Best Apple Orchard in the U.S. for the Fifth Time New York Upstate.

This garden also received the palm in 2015, 2017, 2020, 2021.

“There’s nothing better than a crisp fall day on a farm with a warm donut and cider in hand, surrounded by friends and family among the apple trees,” said Marianne Brennan, director of marketing Beak & Skiff“Some of our clients have been visiting the garden for decades.”

Beak & Skiff was the only New York orchard to make the 10Best survey, which included farms with the largest apple orchards in the region from Washington to North Carolina. The farms grow more than 22 varieties of apples. Beak & Skiff is located on Lord's Hill Road and is one of the most famous apple orchards in the Upstate.

The farm was founded in 1911 when dairy farmer Andrew Bick and onion farmer George Skiff met at a farmers market. They decided to team up. That same year, the couple began planting apple trees along Route 20 in Lafayette.

More than just fruits

The family farm runs a vibrant agritourism business at its Apple Hill campus.

Since 1911, Beak & Skiff has been producing its own hard ciders, spirits, and wines. The farm also produces a range of CBD and THC (cannabinoid)-infused products, including Ayrloom, a popular line of cannabis-infused seltzers.

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Beak & Skiff, among other things, conducts popular summer concert series. The farm offers guests the opportunity to book a luxury vacation stay in one of three luxurious homes, all located right on the farm.

When visiting Beak & Skiff, start your day with a tractor ride into the large orchard to pick apples. Then let your kids climb the hay bale mountain and slide down the slide in the orchard's tree house.

Relax with a drink in the tasting room. Experts recommend trying Tipsy Cow.

It's a deliciously extravagant cocktail made with cold coffee vodka and half a cider doughnut. And before you go, grab a dozen Beak & Skiff cider doughnuts for the road.

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