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Legal, financial and other help: a list of useful resources in New York


Nadezhda Verbitskaya

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We've compiled a list of free resources for you from the Mayor's Community Engagement Office. Mayor's Public Engagement Unit (PEU).

Hotline for tenants

In April 2020, New York City Hall launched Hotline for tenants, which informs New York City tenants of their rights and connects them to local resources, including free legal services, utility bill help, home renovations, and more. Call 311 and ask for a tenant helpline (Tenant Helpline) or visit

Rent freeze

Get free help signing up for programs rent freeze from the New York City Department of Finance and exempting homeowners from paying property taxes. For information about a rent freeze or property tax exemption, call the dedicated hotline at (929) 252-7242 or visit

These include Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) and Disabled Rent Increase Exemption (DRIE).

Affordable Internet Connection Program

New Yorkers can now apply to participate in the Affordable Internet Connection Program. It will help you save up to $30 on your monthly internet bill.

Right to a lawyer (Right-to-Counsel)

You don't have to deal with eviction alone. In New York, thousands of tenants have right to a free lawyer, which will protect their rights in case of eviction from housing.

Illegal evictions

The landlord cannot just come and evict you from your home. All tenants have the right to remain in their home unless they decide to move or are evicted by court order. If your landlord violates this right, call the police (911) as well as the City Hall's 311 hotline to request the assistance of an attorney. Find out more about the steps in case of illegal eviction here.

I Voucher for Vouchers

Campaign I Voucher for Vouchers explains all the details of obtaining and using housing vouchers, debunks the myths around them, and also describes the benefits that owners and property managers receive when renting housing to voucher holders.

On the subject: New York will start accepting applications for help with paying for housing again


The City works with landlords or brokers to help them rent out their managed housing to people who receive rental assistance. The city in many cases provides significant financial incentives. Visit page Home Supportto find out more, whether you want to rent a low-cost housing or rent an apartment through the city.

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