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For the first time, a Russian-speaking person has been appointed deputy inspector of the New York police: what is known about him


Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin

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Russian-American Officers Association congratulated on July 30 officer Igor Pinkhasov - the first Russian-speaking deputy inspector of the New York police.

Photo: Facebook / Russian American Officers Association

Pinkhasov immigrated to the United States in 1996 from Turkestan (Kazakhstan). After graduating from high school and going to college, he began his law enforcement career as a NYPD cadet in 2002 serving in detective teams at the 105th and 112th Precincts. In 2004, Pinkhasov graduated with honors from the University of St. John, as well as the cadet program and the Police Academy.

Then the Kazakh served at the 104th police station, and in 2006 he was transferred to the Department for Combating Organized Crime (UBOP). In 2008, he was appointed a detective-analyst at the Organized Crime Control Department.

On the subject: Policeman and boxer: how an immigrant from Kazakhstan became a star in New York

Igor Pinkhasov's managerial career began in 2010, when he was promoted to sergeant and sent to the 110th precinct, and then to the Internal Affairs Bureau. His promotion to lieutenant took place in 2014, after which Pinkhasov was sent to the 113th sector. He then received the rank of commander of the 76th precinct detective squad in 2015 and the 67th precinct detective squad in 2016.

In October 2016, Igor Pinkhasov was promoted to the rank of captain, and he continued to serve in the Detective Bureau as the captain of the territory (Zone Captain). His appointment as Captain-Commander came in 2017, when Pinkhasov was named commander of the Bronx Organized Crime Unit. This was followed by Traffic Police Station 11 and NYPD Station 105 in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

And now Pinkhasov has become the deputy inspector of the New York police - the first Russian-speaking in this post.

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