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How Much Do the CEOs of the World's Largest Companies Earn: The Salaries of Elon Musk, Tim Cook, and Sundar Pichai


ForumDaily New York

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The heads of large companies bear a huge responsibility for their business, so it is only fair that the rewards for their work are not small. TimesOfIndia tells what the salaries of the most famous leading executives are.

CEOs run their companies and influence industries, even economies, around the world. These managers oversee some of the world's most powerful companies, drive innovation, manage huge teams, and make decisions that can impact Millions of.

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Their job is highly demanding. It combines visionary thinking with leadership skills and business acumen. The highest paid CEOs in the world receive incredible compensation packages that include salary, bonuses and stock options.

The Highest Paid CEOs in the World

Elon Musk (Tesla)

  • Revenue: $23,5 billion

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, is the highest paid CEO in the world. He has done groundbreaking work in the electric vehicle and space industries. His compensation package is valued at $23,5 billion, including stock options tied to Tesla’s performance.

Tim Cook (Apple)

  • Income: $770,5 million

In second place is Tim Cook, CEO of Apple. He has led the giant company to become one of the most profitable companies in the world through innovative products. Under Cook, Apple was the first to reach a valuation of $2 trillion. Tim Cook's compensation package, through grants and stock bonuses, is a whopping $770,5 million.

Sundar Pichai (Alphabet)

  • Income: $280 million

Alphabet is the parent company of Google, headed by Sundar Pichai, who ranks third.

Pichai has played a central role in Google's global dominance, particularly in search, advertising, and cloud computing. Pichai's salary is about $280 million.

Jensen Huang (Nvidia)

  • Income: $561 million

The fourth place belongs to Jensen Huang, CEO of NVIDIA. He influenced the creation of graphics processors and artificial intelligence technologies in the industry.

Since Huang took over as Nvidia's CEO, the company's leadership has grown significantly, especially in AI. His $561 million salary is mostly made up of stock options.

Reed Hastings (Netflix)

  • Income: $453,5 million

Reed Hastings is the co-founder and CEO of Netflix. Netflix's subscription service has changed the direction of the entertainment industry. Under Hastings' leadership, the company has become a global media powerhouse. The CEO's $453,5 million in revenue is a testament to his leadership and the company's enormous influence in digital distribution.

Leonard Schleifer (Regeneron Pharmaceuticals)

  • Income: $452,9 million

Leonard Schleifer is the CEO of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, a biopharmaceutical company known for its innovative drugs. Stock options make up the bulk of his income, reflecting Regeneron's success in developing breakthrough treatments for complex diseases such as cancer and eye disease.

Marc Benioff (Salesforce)

  • Income: $439,4 million

Marc Benioff is the CEO of Salesforce, a cloud-based software company that has revolutionized customer relationship management (CRM).

Satya Nadella (Microsoft)

  • Income: $309,4 million

Satya Nadella is the CEO of Microsoft. The company has transformed itself from a software giant into a leader in cloud computing.

Robert A. Kotick (Activision Blizzard)

  • Income: $296,7 million

Robert A. Kotick is the CEO of Activision Blizzard, a leading video game company that owns some of the most popular franchises in the market – Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, and Overwatch.

Hock E. Tan (Broadcom)

  • Income: $288 million

Hock E. Tan is the CEO of Broadcom, a semiconductor company that provides technology solutions to industries including telecommunications, data centers, and consumer electronics. Tan has achieved tremendous success during his tenure at Broadcom, especially through strategic acquisitions and shaping the market through innovation in the semiconductor business.

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