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Lighting the lights on New York's main Christmas tree: when, where and which streets will be closed


ForumDaily New York

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The lighting of the tree at Rockefeller Center is a New York City holiday tradition that draws thousands of New Yorkers and tourists to the glittering center of the metropolis each Christmas. As reported by Fox5, the tree will shine with its lights on Wednesday, December 4.

This year's stunning 11-ton Norwegian spruce 22,5 m high and 13 m wide was donated to Rockefeller Center Albert family from West Stockbridge, Massachusetts.

When will the tree be lit this year?

The iconic event will take place on Wednesday, December 4, during the live broadcast of "Christmas at Rockefeller Center."

More than 50 multi-colored lights wrap around the forest beauty in a circle. This is about 000 km of wires - and a lot of work to install the garlands. The star on the top of the tree is simply dazzling.

On the subject: Where to Find Christmas Lights in New York: Addresses and Opening Dates of the Most Beautiful Decorations

Designed by architect Daniel Libeskind in 2018, this 400D Swarovski star weighs around 70 kg and has 3 spikes covered in XNUMX million crystals.

Where is the Christmas tree

Visitors can view the tree at Rockefeller Plaza, 45 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10111.

It will sparkle with lights until the beginning of January every day from 5:00 am to midnight, and on Christmas Eve - for 24 hours, while on the eve of the New Year - from 5:00 am to 21:00 pm.

It will then be given to Habitat for Humanity for recycling, which uses the lumber to build homes for those in need. The wood is used to make flooring, furniture, and millwork, helping to build homes from New York to Mississippi.

Street closures in New York

During the ceremony the following will be closed:

  • 46th Street between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue;
  • 47th Street between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue;
  • 48th Street between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue;
  • 49th Street between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue;
  • 50th Street between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue;
  • 51st Street between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue;
  • 52nd Street between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue;
  • Rockefeller Plaza between 48th Street and 51st Street;
  • 6th Avenue between 46th Street and 52nd Street;
  • 5th Avenue between 46th Street and 52nd Street;
  • Madison Avenue between 42nd Street and 57th Street;
  • 6th Avenue between 42nd Street and 57th Street;
  • 5th Avenue between 42nd Street and 57th Street.
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