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Zedd is giving away free tickets to his rave in New York


ForumDaily New York

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On Thursday, August 22, Grammy Award-winning artist Zedd will host an exclusive, first-of-its-kind rave at a New York City convenience store. The performance will be completely free, reports Secret nyc.

Only 25 lucky winners will make it onto the guest list. To do this, you will first need to find the secret rave location.

Zedd will present new tracks from his upcoming album TELOS.

On the subject: New York City movie theaters where tickets start at $6

This is his first album in almost ten years. It is due out on August 30th.

How to get to a rave

To get an invitation to a rave that organized in collaboration with 5 gum, fans will have to follow a series of clues. They are located as 5 tires, and on channels Zedd on social networks. Zedd fans must decipher clues that will reveal a secret location.

When you recognize him, immediately rush to become one of the first 25 fanswho will visit the mini-market on the day of the show. You will be given a glow-in-the-dark 5 gum x Zedd ticket. It will serve as a pass to that evening's rave.

“I love to bring the unexpected into my shows. Performing in a unique location - in a real New York City convenience store - is exactly what we need... I'm looking forward to this unforgettable evening and the opportunity to play some of my new music for the fans!” – Zedd said.

If you don't get a spot on the guest list, don't give up hope! Enter to win $500 toward a ticket to Zedd's upcoming tour or exclusive event merch at link here. This competition will run from August 26th to September 6th.

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