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Montana Man Runs Down New York Family, Then Shoots Two


Nadezhda Verbitskaya

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A man drove his pickup truck into a family walking through a tourist village bordering Glacier National Park. Then he opened fire with a shotgun, killing one person and mortally wounding the baby, who was in the arms of his mother. The mother's sister-in-law managed to kill the assailant after he ran out of ammunition, reports NBC New York.

Two people were killed in an attack on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in northwestern Montana over the weekend. The victims were 39-year-old David Seau from Syracuse and his one and a half year old daughter Mackenzie.

The assailant, 37-year-old Derik Amos Madden, was previously in a relationship with the sister of the man he killed. It was she who shot him during the attack. He had mental health issues, the Glacier County Sheriff's Office said July 19. Authorities did not say exactly how he was killed.

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Madden crashed his Toyota Tacoma into the Sio family around 21:00 pm on July 17. At that moment they were walking along a road in the small town of East Glacier Park. The attacker knocked them down and then crashed into a tree.

After that, Madden got out of the car, shot David Sio and mortally wounded Mackenzie. The girl was held in her arms by her mother, 40-year-old Christy Sio. She, too, was injured.

When Madden ran out of ammunition, he attacked the victim's sister, 30-year-old Christina Sio, with a knife.

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