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Symbol of the arrival of spring: the iconic Macy's flower show will soon open in New York


Olga Derkach

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We all know that spring didn't really arrive until Macy's Flower Show opened downtown. It's time to enjoy the scent of roses at the annual Macy's Flower Show, New York's gorgeous flower festival. The edition told in more detail Time-out.

And while it's getting a little warmer outside, we're not quite ready to head to the city's rooftop bars or sunbathe in New York's parks, but we know for a fact that the flower show signals long-awaited warm weather and beautiful flowers.

Soon all of New York will be in bloom, including the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, but nothing beats the fragrant foliage that pops up at one of the city's best department stores: Macy's Herald Square (151 W 34st Street).

On the subject: Where Spring Lives: New York's Most Beautiful Flower Farm to Visit in March

New Yorkers and visitors alike flock to Macy's Flower Show for two weeks, from March 26 to April 10, showcasing stunning themed arrangements. This year it is a "fantastic landscape with fluffy clouds and bizarre flower landscapes" in collaboration with Dior.

The ground floor of Macy's will look like a "dreamy city in the sky" with thousands of plants, flowers and trees, as well as "playful, whimsical" displays with gravity-defying elements.

And Dior will create an installation at the level of the store's balcony that will take visitors through a field of flowers to show how the brand creates its fragrances. The showcase will look like a magical garden.

The flower show is completely free, so you can stop by while you shop during regular Macy's business hours. For more information visit the website Macy's.

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