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Summer School Programs in New York City: What the City Offers and How to Apply


Nadezhda Verbitskaya

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Applications for New York City Summer Rising programs open on Monday, April 25. The program is available to all students in primary and secondary schools. Silive.

The city launched a summer school-camp program last year amid the COVID-19 pandemic with the goal of creating a bridge to return to the classroom in the 2021-2022 school year. This summer, the city plans to expand the program to 110 students who will have the opportunity to connect with peers, adults, and gain new knowledge.

Students in kindergarten through eighth grade, in both public and private schools, can apply for the Summer Rising program.

On the subject: New York Launches Free Summer Camp Program for High School Students: How to Apply

How to apply

Families are encouraged to apply early to secure a spot where they want. As soon as the family completes the registration, an email will be sent confirming the place in the program. The earlier the family applies, the more likely it is that the participation will be in the desired location. Applications are open from 25 April to 22 May.

Registration is quick and easy and can be completed from any device with an internet connection: Special website or by sending an email to [email protected]. For those without internet access, a request can be made by calling 311 or contacting your school's Parent Coordinator.

Visit apply and get more information.

You can search for available summer activities by zip code, community organization, or school name and select any location that appears in the app. The list of buildings and the map indicate the places where summer educational programs will be held.

The app will show projects that serve your child's class and that still have spaces available. When there are no more places, the location will no longer be displayed in the application, there are no waiting lists.

What awaits children at Summer Rising

Summer Rising offers academic classes, social-emotional learning, and more. Including art classes, outdoor recreation and excursions. Some excursions include visits to parks, swimming pools and other outdoor areas.

The training sessions will be conducted by licensed teachers in the mornings. And cultural development will be carried out by employees of public organizations.

Students with disabilities who may need assistance to participate in the program will receive assistance as needed.

Students will have breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea.

Summer Rising Schedule

Grades K-5: July 5 - August 19

From Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 15:00 with a possible extension until 18:00.

6-8 grades: July 5 - August 12

From Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 15:00 with a possible extension until 18:00.

Students with 12-month IEPs (District 75): July 5–August 12

From Monday to Friday from 8:10 to 14:40. Or a similar 6,5 hour day.

Students with 12-month IEPs (Extended School Districts 1-32): July 5–August 12

From Monday to Friday from 8:10 to 14:10. Or a similar 6 hour day.

Programs on ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders): July 5 - August 1

From Monday to Thursday from 8:30 to 12:30.

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