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Fall Broadway Week is about to start in New York City with 50% off tickets


Nadezhda Verbitskaya

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Autumn Broadway Week returns to New York this year for the first time since the start of the pandemic.

This means that you can buy two tickets for the price of one to some of the most popular musicals and performances New York City has to offer.

A Broadway week is actually much longer than a week. This year it will run from 6 to 25 September.

Here are 21 shows you can get tickets for at 50% off (two for the price of one) during Broadway Fall Week:

  • "1776"
  • "Aladdin"
  • "Strange Loop"
  • "Beetlejuice"
  • "Book of Mormon"
  • "Chicago"
  • “Come From Away” (Come From Away)
  • “Cost of Living”
  • "Death of a Salesman"
  • “Funny girl”
  • "Headstown"
  • "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child"
  • "Into the Woods" (Into The Woods)
  • "The Kite Runner" (The Kite Runner)
  • "The Lion King"
  • MJ: The Musical
  • "Moulin rouge! Musical"
  • "Phantom of the Opera"
  • “The Piano Lesson” (The Piano Lesson)
  • "Six"
  • "Evil" (Wicked)

For more information and to buy tickets, visit

In addition, we wrote about Five Ways to Get Cheap Tickets to Broadway Shows, you can use one of these life hacks.

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